Oh, Hey, Cal “Fans”

Posted by: Avinash on Sunday, October 14th, 2007

(Post two of millions)


I’m not talking about the ones who are slowly drinking themselves to unconsciousness right now (that would be me if my abdomen wasn’t collapsing on itself), or crying themselves to sleep (that would be me if this hadn’t happened to me a thousand times before), or just sitting in a corner, mumbling utterances and hoping the sun shines tomorrow.

Kevin Riley was fantastic in his first start. Yeah, FANTASTIC. He was cocky, he was confident, he was ready. We had no right being even in that situation without what Riley did. The Beavers had outplayed us, outhustled us, outmaneuvered us, outworked us to give themselves a ten point lead. Riley could have taken the rookie excuse and folded the tent.

Nope. He threw a dart to Hawkins that put us in position to be even close. Kept his feet upright in the end zone without taking a safety. Took us 70 yards in EIGHTY SECONDS. Just fathom what he did. That we were even in position to tie was astounding.
As for that last play, let me tell you something about being in the moment. Everything fades away. You want to be the man. You want to make the play. You want to be the hero. When you’re young, when you’re in command for the first time, when things are moving that fast, emotion overrides decision-making. Scottie Pippen will tell you about boneheadedness.

What Riley said after the game rings true. He just wanted to make a play. He forgot about what was at stake, and it’s not really his fault. He probably still doesn’t know what happened. Gladwell talks about the science of choking. Read it. You might understand a little more about what Riley did.

So if you pass by Kevin this week and decide to mock, deride, shit on him because of one play, ignoring the 20-34, 2 TD, 294 yard performance that came before it, I hope a homeless person beats you into the ground. You deserve it, asshat.

You are free to dissent with my opinion in the comments. I will listen to it kindly. And then I will ban you.

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