Cal Fans Around the World, Get Your Signs Ready

Posted by: Avinash on Tuesday, November 27th, 2007


Eh, fuck it. I’m embracing this rivalry, right now.

The pathetic Redfurds over on the other side of the Bay have resorted to the most bizarre tactic to motivate their Cardinal: elitist internationalism.


Ooh, look, you’re in Paris! It’s appropriate, since your records in battle are eerily similar.

In other words, Stanford fans go to famous landmarks and show that they’re so trendy and hip with their “Beat Cal” signs…and then proceed to ignore following the Big Game like they always do. Yeah, as if they can overwhelm the sheer Cal masses that dominate the study abroad programs of the world, or the alumni that populate it. China, London, Prague, Athens, etc. We own this shit too.

Let’s show them what we’ve got. Email your Cal football friends all over the world, tell them to go the nearest landmark or exotic locale they can find, and let Cal pride be heard. The Bears will not whimper into hibernation. We’re going out roaring.

So whereever you are, Bears fans, submit links to your pictures of awesomeness supporting your Bears (or the images themselves if you’re able to) either through the contact form (if you want to keep it a surprise) or in the comments. Go with a standard sign (like below) or try something more subversive (“Wash your hands in Stanford blood!“). I’ll post the best submissions this Saturday morning on the site. Let’s crush these pampered WASPs*.


*Note: (Asians that go to Stanford might as well be WASPs, as they have sold their authenticity to culture a long time ago by deciding to study in the Farm)

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