Running Out of Options? Easiest Classes This Semester, Part I

Posted by: Avinash on Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

(The semester is now closer than ever, and you’re probably scrambling around Telebears these last few weeks, filling up holes in your schedules with classes you probably will end up hating. Well, no worries. We’ll be happy to provide you with teachers who will be pushover…push you to your limits. Of your alarm clocks. If you’re just looking for classes to end your time at Berkeley on the right note or start it off without a damper, this might be your list. You’ll be sleeping every night comfortably taking this schedule. Your dreams will be endless. And you will be dousing yourself in alcohol every Saturday night. Ain’t that the life?

There are obvious courses you can cruise-control through (Physics 10, Astro 10, anything with a 10), so let’s find some more unlikely candidates. This is a five part series in no particular order. Classes for your snooze button after the jump. All ratings from Rate My Professors…)

Ugo Nwokeji, African American Studies 4A, Africa: History and Culture
Africa, vol. 2: African Cultures and Societies Before 1885History of Africa: Revised 2nd EdPaths in the Rainforests: Toward a History of Political Tradition in Equatorial AfricaAfrican Civilization Revisited: From Antiquity to Modern TimesSundiata an Epic of Old Mali (2nd Edition) (Longman African Writers Series)
(Easiness: 4.2 out of 5.0): “His tests are straightforward and easy, and he tells you everything he expects you to know…once he started making outlines on the board his lectures got a little easier to follow…very easy as long as you do the work and reading. not much studying needed for the exams.”

Rada Brooks, UGBA 102A, Introduction to Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting & Study Guide to accompany Financial Accounting 5e
(Easiness: 4.4): “If you do your homework and understand all the journal entires, you should come out with an A…Homework prepares you for the exams well, just memorize the journal entries…This class can’t get any easier – lectures are not mandatory, homework is graded on completion, and there is no curve.”

Laurie Wilkie, Anthro 2AC, Intro to Archeology
Archaeologies of the Contemporary PastIn Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life
(Easiness: 4.4): “Swamped at office hours because she’s so loved by her students! Her readers are also very nice and are fair graders. Exams are straight-forward to boot… Keeps the class interesting and fun. She’ll tell you fun stories about mardi gras and armadillos and still manage to teach alot about American history, anthropology, and historical archaeology.”

Marian Diamond, Integrative Bio 131A, Applied Anatomy
(Easiness: 4.1): “Her tests were pretty straight forward, and the reviews she gave before the test covered exactly what was going to be on the exam…Easy class, easy to understand – don’t bother with the books, but do look at pictures!! Go to the review sections, all of the answers to the test are given there!”

Mary Kelsey, Sociology 111, Sociology of the Family
The Way We Really Are: Coming to Terms With America's Changing FamiliesThe Price of Motherhood: Why the Most Important Job in the World is Still the Least ValuedThe Second ShiftFlat Broke with Children: Women in the Age of Welfare Reform
(Easiness: 4.3): “Readings not necessary, lecture either – she emails everything you need to know for quizzes and papers…She knew my name and I only communicated with her to pick up my papers and a few e-mails…Kelsey does make the class easy by sending out lecture outlines and notes, but going to her lectures are worth it.”

Branden Fitelson, Philosophy 12A, Introduction to Logic
Modern Logic: A Text in Elementary Symbolic Logic
(Easiness: 4.1): “Fairly easy if you have decent analytical abilities…He allows resubmissions on all homework and on the take-home section of the midterm…Allows you to work in groups throughout the course.”

If you have any classes you smoked through without difficulty, leave them in the forums thread.

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