Oh, THIS is why USC Lost

Posted by: Avinash on Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

[youtube J3ZM9vztKNw]

Good Lord. It’s one level of douchery to steal OUR PLAY, dress up in bermuda shorts and generic blacks (are those manipulated Steelers unis?) and re-enact it to mock the losers of said play. It’s another complete level of douchery for the University of Hollywood, of pageantry and spectacle and Song Girls, to reduce one of the greatest college football plays ever into a slapstick sideshow of degenerates running into each other. You’d have at least thought they’d have done it while the Stanford band was marching on the field during their performance–it would have been a little devilish, but hey, the Cardinal marchers did mock O.J. Simpson. Tit for tat. You should be above this maudlin crap.

The football gods took notice of your tomfoolery, USC. Your vapidness was noted. Your punishment was apt. Keep picking at the deeper hole in your soul my child.


EDIT: Now here’s a great example of how you should leverage the Play for entertainment. USC, take notes from Michigan State about how to do this baby right (and you just can’t ignore crazed Starkey on all of this either; what you kids did was half-assed).

[youtube p8ZniCWFJlI]

No coincidences it was the Spartans who helped take down Troy. Ah, historical antecedents, how we love you so.

Topics: Sports, Stanford, Video

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